Saturday, June 30, 2012

Instagram - The first summer months

 Deer skull hanging in our hall.

Recieving new dress from Selected Femme

Drinks before a party

Watching Gossip Girl when I'm bored

Braiding my hair, which has become immensely long.

Wearing shorts for the first time this summer!

Going for a walk in the nice weather

Uploading my "end of the year"-project for my class about filmmaking and analyzing. 

Going for a walk with my best friend.

Reading Game of Thrones, which is an amazing book... Go read it!

Over-editing pictures from my Tokyo trip in DecoPic

Getting and wearing new glasses

Preparing for "end of the year" test exam in Danish.

Snuggling up under my duvet and watching movies all day.


And more eating.

Seeing a pair of ducks sitting in the middle of a street, knowing that there isn't a pond nearby... at all.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chilly summer days

Cold summer days

I'd like to wear this on a bit more chilly summer day

Growing wiser and wiser

I took a good handful of pictures of elderly people while I was in Tokyo this past April. And here is the outcome of that.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Det her er mig. Jeg vil gerne være film-fotograf.
This is me. I want to be a film photographer. 


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